By now you probably know that the Baby boomer generation includes all those people who were born between the years of 1946 through 1964. And you probably know that the Baby boomer generation is quite #수원호빠 large, encompassing some 78 million individuals. But what you might not fully understand is how the Baby boomer generation got its name.
The term baby boom corresponds to what was happening back during the early days of the Baby boomer generation. Among other things, the end of World War II in 1945 brought with it the return to their homeland of hundreds of thousands of young men and women. In the United States, it was a time of world domination and economic prosperity. It was also a time of soaring marriage rates and urban sprawl and young couples werent wasting any time starting families.
Population explosion!
If you were young, healthy and female during 1945 and 1946 there was a good chance you were pregnant too. It was during 1946 that the birth rate exploded to levels never before reached. In the years that followed, birth rates continued to soar. It was this explosion of new births that would later become known as the baby boom which is what gave rise to the term that is so prevalent in our society today.
Although the timeline of births extends beyond what normally would be classified as a generation, those born between the Baby boomer generation years of 1946 1964 without a doubt have much in common. They were brought up in the years after the Depression and the victory in WWII brought about a time of optimism.
The Baby boomer generation was the first generation to grow up with television, and advertising, and a newfound sense of equitability. To those born during the baby boom, it seemed almost a goal to break all of the rules that had restricted their parents and their grandparents. And break those rules they did.
Growing up during the Baby boomer years meant growing up with rock n roll and massive marketing. It was a time to question authority and experiment with drugs and sex. The early Baby boomer years were as unique back then as they are right now.
A generation of fulfillment
No other generation in history has so forcefully refused to grow old. And as the first of the Baby boomer generation nears retirement age, they have much to look forward to.
Rather than being something to fear, todays Baby boomer lifestyle is one to be embraced. Baby boomers are living longer and they are working as hard as they play. Theyre traveling, dating, expanding their knowledge, and staying active. They are committed to doing whatever it takes to maximize every single moment of life that they have left.
More than the years of their birth, their drive, their determination and their absolute love of life are what makes a Baby boomer. If you were lucky enough to be born during the baby boom, go ahead and wear the Baby boomer label with pride!